Saturday, July 5, 2008

Placenta Ceremony

The placenta gave our little babu all the nutrients and oxygen he needed for his first nine months in the belly, his guardian and source of energy in the womb. In balinese tradition they believe the placenta is the body of the guardian angel of the child. To create the smoothest transition possible into the world we decided not to cut the chord. They call this a lotus birth. So we put the placenta in a bowl and covered it with nice smelling herbs and flowers. After two days we felt like it had been long enough and had a chord burning ceremony with the midwifes where they burn the the cord with candles. Later that day we planted the placenta under a potted baby banyan tree which we will find some beautiful piece of land to transplant it on later.

1 comment:

Hilary Nichols said...

I so love sharing in your stories, and images. These are beautiful. And his name is inspired. I love it. Thank you for guiding the way, as we follow in the path just behind. Your baby boy is such a beautious being. We're happy to have cousins on all continents. As we prepare to meet our baby being in a few short weeks.