Monday, June 30, 2008

Lady Apples - thank you Eve

sweet sister...

this is the time when your breath becomes the weather pattern of a hidden world

when the strength of your back of your spine of your purest imagination

truly discovers its own power to create a life

as your own heartbeat divides in two and recreates itself to be brought fresh into this world

i am with you

my breath is yours through every dimension

my spine's own strength i give to you

in humblest gratitude for your willingness to birth our teacher

to cultivate the seedling sprouts of a new day

you are pushing now

from halfway around the world

i can feel the force of your will

and of the larger will that surrounds it

as the ocean surrounds the mermaid's fallen tears of joy

when she discovers her first pearl

we are with you

this wild family of ragamuffin lightkeepers

our candles are lit in the shrines of remembrance

in this moment all death is renewed

and fertilizes the seeds of life

using invisible antlers to hold up the burning coals

burning cedar, sweetgrass, tobacco, copal

the smoke of my prayers surrounds you in grace

you are the earth's own power

you are an instrument for the song of life to sing through

your radiance blinds each of us into a deeper seeing

half way around the world

i feel you pushing

i am with you

you are surrounded by a circle of candles tied with red string

you are embraced by the blessings of all our ancestors

and all the ancestors yet to be

i am breathing with you

pushing with you

we are with you


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi, its me nilou. how are u? how was mala, ben, femma. i miss sooooo much.....


Anonymous said...

hi, its me nilou. how are u? how was mala, ben, femma. i miss sooooo much.....
